Pisces and the coming weeks

OK, so I am not the biggest supporter of, or believer in the horoscope world but I look for inspiration and signs every day as of late. Despite the inherent issues with horoscope gurus, there is one star who is really a fantastic writer and seer named Rob Brezny. I first discovered Brezny in the Village Voice weekly in NYC years ago and I have visited his site from time to time. He writes poetically in his horoscopes, using references to mythology, history, and current events to make his points. His horoscopes are as literary as they are prophetic, making for fun reading.

I picked up The Wire yesterday in Durham and found this on its’ last page in the Rob Brezny  section:

PISCES                                                                                                                                    In the past few weeks you have veered close to the edge of blissful triumph. From what I can tell, you averted total ecstatic breakthrough and fantastic raging success by only the narrowest of margins. If you don’t want to go all the way in the coming days — if you’d rather remain faithful to your fear of success and fall back into your humdrum comfort zone — you should slam on the brakes immediately. But I warn you: The cosmic pressure to push you over the top into loopy, grinning, shameless victory is almost irresistible.

Hey, I’ll take what I can get.

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